M.Arch Core Design Studio III

ARCH 5113: Engaged Practices

This learning center was desgined collaboration with bodie chisum at Cornell university (fall, 2024) for the Gayogo̱hó:no’ (Cayuga) Nation, a member of the Hodihnohso:nih (Haudenosaunee) Confederacy.

Under the guidance of Anna Dietzsch and sean anderson, this Engaged Practices studio was situated as part of the core sequence of studios in the MArch program at Cornell.

throughout this studio, we recognized that architectural production is becoming increasingly heterogeneous and networked, and that real-world projects are seldom defined by site boundaries, or the work of a single profession. Design research and speculation are used to situate projects within larger social, political, and environmental systems, creatively and inclusively engage the perspectives of other actors shaping the built environment, and opportunistically orchestrate real world processes and interactions.

this studio engaged with representatives of the Gayogoho:no' Nation to determine a program and propose a community building/space adjacent to the Northern shore of Lake Cayuga.